Ergonomics in the workplace – SAIF

Ergonomics is about arranging our environments so we can work comfortably and safely, whether we’re in the office or on the move. Learn about ergonomic workstations, mobile devices, proper posture, stretching, and more.

Setting up a workstation

Resources for staying safe in your home office.

Ergopoint® by Humantech® for office ergonomics assessments
SAIF policyholders can use this resource to evaluate their office workstations to ensure neutral postures.

Learn how to adjust your office chair, monitor, keyboard, and mouse; plus get tips on proper posture and injury prevention.
Brochure | A self-help guide for maximizing comfort and reducing physical stressors [PDF] Form| Office ergonomic self-assessment  Use this worksheet to assess your own workstation for comfort and safety. [PDF] Form | Office ergonomic evaluation  Use this form to conduct an ergonomic evaluation. [PDF] Poster | Workstation ergonomics leverage zones | Use this tool to arrange your work area for comfort and safety [PDF] Poster | Neutral posture (11 x 17)  (8.5 x 11) [PDF] Poster | Standing neutral posture (11 x 17) (8.5 x 11) [PDF]

Reducing sprains and strains

Save your back-Store items safely [PDF] [Spanish] This poster includes best practices for storing items so they can be accessed with less strain and sprain risk.

Control work processes [PDF] Ergonomics is about fitting the task to the individual. This guide will show you how.

Safe lifting techniques [PDF] [Spanish] Learn the six steps for safely lifting a load, plus tips for designing lifting tasks with ergonomics in mind.
Poster (11 x 17)

Hierarchy of controls for musculoskeletal disorders [PDF] Use this safety model to design workplace solutions that reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. [PDF]

Find it and fix it [PDF] This tool describes common ergonomic issues and proposes potential solutions.

Poster | Strengthen and lengthen | Improve core strength and muscle tone with these active exercises. [English] 11×17 8.5×11  [Spanish] 11×17 | 8.5×11 [PDF]

Office stretches [PDF] [Spanish] Prevent fatigue, discomfort, and musculoskeletal disorders caused by seated office work with these stretching exercises.

Safety in Motion®

A versatile training program proven to reduce injuries from lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, and other activities that may result in sprains and strains

Lighting for office and industry

Ergonomic lighting considerations [PDF] Provides an overview of lighting considerations in the office work environment, including contrast, glare, and dual-lighting components.

Adequate lighting
The benefits of adequate lighting include greater productivity and accuracy, improved safety and security, and improved morale. This comprehensive safety guide explains how to evaluate lighting in your workplace, including a checklist and additional resources.

Video Library

Office Ergonomics: Simple solutions for comfort and safety

Having the right ergonomic equipment helps. But you don’t have to spend a fortune. This video series shows how you can make small changes that can have a big impact on your comfort and safety.

Go Ergo! (2:56)
Open (0:45)
Posture is important (0:40)
Adjust your chair (1:26)
Adjust your keyboard and mouse (1:23)
Adjust your monitor (1:22)
Using the phone; working the “zone” (1:03)
Thinking on your feet (1:11)
Working on the go (1:12)
Cost-saving solutions (0:55)
Exercise balls, treadmill desks, and other alternative ideas (1:16)
Want to learn more? (1:17)

Supporting materials:

Workstation comfort brochure [PDF] Office ergonomic evaluation [PDF] Office ergonomic self-assessment [PDF] Neutral Posture Poster [PDF]

Strengthen and lengthen

Learn seven simple exercises to improve core strength and muscle tone and reduce your risk of injury. It only takes a few minutes before work or during breaks. (2016)

Play English version (5:30)   Play Spanish version (6:08)

Supporting Materials:

Poster | Improve core strength and muscle tone with these active exercises.
[english] 11×17 | 8.5×11 [PDF] [español] 11×17 | 8.5×11 [PDF]

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